Driving Spatial Insights for Outlet Network Optimization




The Client

Over 120 years after its founding, multinational automobile manufacturer Renault remains steadfast as one of the largest car companies in the world. Renault has over 180,000 employees in 37 different countries and in 2017 the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance sold 10,608,366 vehicles worldwide.

The Challenge

Renault needed a global georeporting solution for the local and regional analysis of their retail showrooms. Renault France had three key goals to drive more revenue from their network: optimization, standardization, and a more granular analysis.


To meet their complex and wide-ranging needs, Renault worked closely with CARTO’s Professional Services team to build a solution that would enable them to find new efficiencies in their network and drive more sales. Together, they developed an application that would allow stakeholders across their organization to gain insights on their retail operations in just a few clicks.

Renault Customer Story


By using the CARTO platform and their Professional Services team, Renault were able to speed up the delivery of their solution by several months, without needing to hire specialists or developers internally. Discover more by downloading the full customer story.


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