Real Estate Data

Using Real Estate data in Site Selection or Market & Investment Analysis is critical to provide much needed spatial context on brick & mortar assets. Whether it’s commercial, residential or industrial, our data allows you to gain more granular insights that drive new efficiencies.

How to use this data in CARTO?

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Example of Housing Data Analysis

Residential Real Estate Developers

Residential Real Estate developers use multiple housing datasets to predict price fluctuations by location, looking at different variables to understand key drivers in the valuation process. In this example, we can see price predictions in the Los Angeles area.

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Example of Housing Data Analysis

Real Estate Investment Trusts

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) carry out their investment analysis using housing market data to identify potential locations for shared workspaces and retail developments. By looking at data relating to rental price evolution, among other data sets, they can understand where up and coming locations are emerging in cities.

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Example of Housing Data Analysis


Retailers rely on housing data to educate their site selection decisions. By using real estate market data, they can get a better picture of which retail format may work best - driving merchandising decisions to ensure products match the needs of the area.

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EU flag.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 960401.