Achieving Growth in a Complex Ad Landscape of Data Deprecation

Working with CARTO has been a game-changer for Choreograph in the face of data deprecation challenges. With CARTO we've successfully harnessed location-based data to overcome the limitations of third-party cookies and achieve remarkable results.

Georgios Giasemidis

Lead Data Scientist at Choreograph

Working with CARTO has been a game-changer for Choreograph in the face of data deprecation challenges. With CARTO we've successfully harnessed location-based data to overcome the limitations of third-party cookies and achieve remarkable results.

Georgios Giasemidis


Lead Data Scientist at Choreograph

The Client


Choreograph is a global data products and technology company, built from the legacy of WPP, for a new era that demands a more purposeful approach to data. Built on the most advanced global data foundation, and powered by 850 technologists, product developers, and data scientists, Choreograph orchestrates an end-to-end data enablement system that brings data to life, empowering brands and clients to harness valuable insights from diverse data sources, enabling them to navigate the complexities of the modern advertising landscape.

The Challenge

Third-Party Cookies Deprecation and the Future of Personalized Advertising

In the ever-evolving world of marketing and advertising, Choreograph faced the challenge of impending data deprecation, notably the phasing out of third-party cookies. These cookies had long been a cornerstone for tracking and targeting user behavior, but with growing privacy concerns and regulatory changes, the traditional ways of working needed an upgrade. Choreograph needed to find innovative methods to continue delivering effective advertising solutions while respecting privacy and compliance.


Geospatial data-based targeting outperformed traditional cookie-based methods

CARTO's unique spatial visualization, analysis and app development features right inside Google Cloud’s data warehouse provided a fresh perspective on audience targeting. By focusing on location-based data rather than individual user data, Choreograph was able to adapt to the changing landscape with impressive outcomes.

Improved Targeting

Through CARTO's geospatial data and cloud-native geospatial features native to BigQuery, Choreograph identified high-value areas where the demand for products exceeded the average. This approach not only ensured privacy compliance but also yielded more relevant targeting, enhancing the effectiveness of ad campaigns.

Equaling and Outperforming Traditional Methods

A proof of concept revealed that geospatial data-based targeting not only matched the performance of traditional cookie-based methods but, astonishingly, outperformed them. View-through rates increased by 6.3%, demonstrating the potential of this innovative approach.

Diverse Data Utilization

CARTO's platform allowed Choreograph to harness diverse data sets, including consumption patterns, demographics, and point-of-interest information, to create a comprehensive view of the target audience. This diversity of data, rather than sheer volume, proved to be the key to generating actionable insights and driving growth.


The power of location-based data while safeguarding user privacy

The implementation of spatial analysis through CARTO’s cloud-native platform shows the perks of adapting to the challenges of data deprecation in the advertising industry. CARTO's cloud connectivity, data enrichment, spatial analysis and visualization features allowed Choreograph to not only overcome these challenges but also excel in an evolving landscape, demonstrating the power of location-based data in driving growth while safeguarding user privacy.


Transform your advertising strategy with CARTO

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