CartoDB in Berlin for CSV Conf, and more
There are several things happening in Berlin during the week of July 14th:

The CSV Conf is going to take place in Berlin as part of the fringe events of the OKFestival. We couldn’t miss it since CSV is one of the core formats CartoDB will visualize for you. Our very own Javier Arce will be representing us with the session So you have CSVs, now what?.

Open Mapping Happy Hour at Open Knowledge Festival Berlin: Join us and our friends from Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, Development Seed, Zeit Online, and Mapbox to talk open mapping strategies and tools over drinks. Heather Leson Ian Schuler, Javier de la Torre, Paul Blickle and Alex Barth are in town and ready to connect over humanitarian response, data visualizations, OpenStreetMap and satellite imagery. Wednesday July 16th 7PM at Pratergarten (you do not need an Open Knowledge Festival pass to enter this event). RSVP here!
CartoDB’s CEO Javier de la Torre will spend the rest of the week in Berlin, so if you want to meet to discuss about CartoDB, ping us.