Code For America and CartoDB: A new partnership for Civic Good!

CartoDB has always been committed to empowering communities, people, and organizations that seek to use mapping and data for civic prosperity and growth. From our long-running climate, and non profit grants, to sponsoring mapping meetups across the country, we are always looking for new ways to support efforts that re-think how data, mapping, and programming impact civic engagement.
This is why our team is proud to announce a new partnership with Code For America, one of the leading organizations dedicated to building open source technology and organizing passionate people all to make government services simple, effective, and easy to use. Code For America is a leader in providing iterative, user-centered, and data-driven approaches to government challenges primarily in four areas that have real human impact: health, economic development, safety & justice, and citizen-government interaction. Their efforts are showing new ways that we can make governments work better.
September 30 - October 2, the CartoDB sponsored Code For America Summit takes place in Oakland, California. The summit is a roll-up-your-sleeves conference that brings together representatives from hundreds of governments across the U.S. along with civic-minded technologists, designers, community organizers, and entrepreneurs; and the CartoDB team could not be more excited to be a part of the action!
Along with sponsoring the Code For America Summit, we have been working to engage Code For America 2015 fellows and brigades from over 40 cities across the United States! If you are interested in some of the ideas we have been talking about, take a peek at a presentation we gave back in June. Stay tuned for more news about Code For America and CartoDB and if you get to the Summit be sure to save some time to meet the CartoDB team.
Happy data mapping!