Creating Category Maps with CARTO Builder

Recently we’ve written about creating Data-Driven Maps with CARTO Builder and apart from creating maps dependent on ramps for numeric values sometimes you need to create maps that show geospatial features grouped visually under different categories. For example when analyzing different types of crimes stores by branch or tweets by term.
Now that you are familiarized with the possibilities of changing some visual parameters BY VALUE try to color your points polygons or lines depending on a string column. We recommend coloring your spatial features only when most of the data fits within the top 10 categories. As you can see above it’s as simple as:
To create category maps with numeric columns you will need to select ‘Category’ as the quantification method. You can also change some colors by clicking on each of the terms used for the different categories.
Check out the CartoCSS panel and the TurboCarto repo to learn more about how this works behind the scenes.
Happy data analyzing!