Data Events to Enjoy - Winter 2019

Winter doesn't need to be a season where you stay at home under your blanket hiding from the dark and cold outside. Rather these months are perfect for heading out to enjoy networking with like-minded professionals at some of the many events and conferences - learning and sharing knowledge and passion for data.
To help you take the leap we have made a list of several interesting events for data scientists analysts developers academics and other spatial professionals or enthusiasts to enjoy this season:
1. Big Data LDN 2019
November 13 - 14 2019London UK
This free two-day event for Big Data lovers in London is both a conference and an exhibition. Learn from the pioneers and experts hear about real-world case studies and discover new trends techniques and tools.
4 technical talks 4 strategy sessions and 130 leading global data solution providers and consultants will be available to provide practical information for starters and experts.
2. ODSC Europe
November 19 - 22 2019London UK
The European edition of the Open Data Science Conference comes to London this November after its successful "West" edition in San Francisco.
If you want to connect to the data science community and contribute to the open source applications that you are using on a daily basis this is the conference for you.
With the aim "to bring together the global data science community to help foster the exchange of innovative ideas and encourage the growth of open source software " this event attracts a wide range of different decision-makers as well as data scientists and open source advocates.
What to expect? Trainings and talks with topics like "Machine Learning Interpretability Toolkit The Soul of a New AI and Machine Learning for Continuous Integration."
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3. Data Science Conference
November 19-20 2019Belgrade Serbia
Have you ever been to Belgrade? The Data Science Conference 5.0 might be a good opportunity. The last edition of this conference featured 967 data enthusiasts and data scientists from 34 different countries.
This edition introduces three different "storylines" and ten tracks. The Technical storyline is focused on practical implementation and uses cases in the field of Data Science while the Business one is related to how Data Science can influence business business decisions profit and revenue in general. The last storyline Kickstarter targets attendees and businesses that would like to start their Data Science journey.
4. Big Things 2019
November 20-21 2019Madrid Spain
Formerly known as Big Data Spain the seventh edition of this conference is held at the end of November in Madrid. Big Data Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning IoT Blockchain and Quantum Computing are the key topics of this disruptive and innovative event.
This year the organizers are committed to the promotion of the UN's SDGs including talks with an economic social and environmental impact. Moreover tickets allow attendees to meet top-notch speakers from big companies such as Google Red Hat Twitter… and CARTO!
5. Mobility Maps & Location Intelligence
December 3 2019Munich Germany
Geomob is a series of regular events across European cities. It is a geo-innovation meet-up open to everyone to provide a forum to learn and exchange ideas about interesting services and projects that deal with location.
Interested in Data? You don't need to be a GIS or Data Science expert to attend these talks. Here you can discuss the application of new geo technologies across different services and products.
If you can't make this one don't worry! The next meetups are going to be in January in London and in Barcelona respectively!
6. Business Analytics Intelligence Conference
December 5-7 2019 Bangalore India
The 7th International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence (BAI) in Bangalore the center of India's high-tech industry is the perfect event to attend if you want to have an up-to-date understanding of Analytics and Big Data.
Aside from data scientists and stakeholders the conference is also open to academics and executives to present the impacts of their work on real-life problems making it an outstanding platform to disseminate the latest knowledge and developments.
Before the main conference three parallel workshops are organized on Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
7. Kaggle Days Tokyo
December 11-12 2019 Tokyo Japan
Data enthusiasts have a date in Tokyo this December with the Kaggle Days. This well known online community of data scientists and machine learners is organizing this offline event.
If you want to meet Kagglers in person and learn some tricks and tips from the community's Masters and Grandmasters this is your event to attend. Additionally if you are a Data Science advocate and you want to broaden your networking this should be a fun opportunity to do so!
And There's More
If you are interested in Data & Real Estate you can check out two upcoming events in the US one on each coast. At the beginning of November San Francisco is hosting the 2019 Realtors Conference & Expo. About a month later on December 10th ICSC New York Deal Making is coming to the Big Apple.