Modernizing the Geospatial Analysis Stack report - get your copy!
The geospatial industry is changing rapidly.
Data is getting bigger, faster and more complex, while the range of users undertaking spatial analysis now extends far beyond traditional GIS analysts. Organizations are increasingly looking to embrace a more data-centric decision-making culture.
It can be difficult to keep up, and many organizations are feeling left behind. But you don’t need to feel that way - because we’ve got you covered! We’ve produced the ultimate handbook for navigating the new geospatial landscape: Modernizing the Geospatial Analysis Stack!

This report is your ultimate guide to optimizing your tech stack for bigger, faster and more collaborative spatial analysis. You’ll learn:
- How the Geospatial Industry is changing, moving away from proprietary and siloed tooling towards an open and collaborative ecosystem which prioritizes scalability, versatile data handling and the democratization of spatial analysis.
- How spatial data is special. Learn about conventional and novel spatial data types and formats, and how to use them for different use cases. You’ll also find a catalog of powerful open data sources across the web to help you get started.
- Tools of the trade. Discover the different tools which make up the modern geo tech stack, from data storage & architecture, spatial analysis platforms, to data visualization libraries. Learn to recognise the different geospatial coding languages, and find out what the low-code movement and AI mean for you.
All this, and much more!
So… what are you waiting for? Download your FREE copy of Modernizing the Geospatial Analysis Stack today and take your spatial analysis to the next level!