Spatial Leaders Gather in London for #SDSC22

Having brought together more than 12 000 experts online in 2020 & 2021 we're beyond excited to host our long awaited in-person Spatial Data Science Conference in London this week! This UK edition of #SDSC22 taking place on Thursday May 19 is bringing together hundreds of data scientists developers academics and business leaders for a full day to discuss and discover the future of Spatial Data Science.
Better yet? One day prior to the conference on Wednesday May 18 we’ll be holding interactive spatial modeling workshops by Helen Mckenzie (Geospatial Advocate at CARTO) Gladys Kenyon (PhD student in Urban Analytics at University of Liverpool) Juan Ramón Selva Royo (Spatial Data Scientist at idealista) and Miguel Álvarez (Lead Data Scientist at CARTO).
Agenda for Spatial Data Science Conference 2022 in London
On May 19 #SDSC22 in London will kick off at 09:30 GMT +1 with an opening keynote from Javier de la Torre Founder & Chief Strategy Officer of CARTO followed by a day of sessions featuring speakers from leading enterprise organizations (including Vodafone Business Microsoft Google and TomTom) on how they use Spatial Data Science in their day-to-day.

Remember: the conference will take place at the Royal Geographical Society at 1 Kensington Gore Kensington London SW7 2AR.
Connect with Other Attendees at #SDSC22
We can’t wait to meet you at the conference! While you connect and network with others at our conference in London be sure to tag @CARTO and use #SDSC22 on social media!
After the conference wraps up don’t miss the after party at Ognisko on 55 Exhibition Road London SW7 2PN.
Have to Miss #SDSC22 in London?
Disappointed because you have to miss our London edition of #SDSC22? No worries! You’ll have another chance to attend the Spatial Data Science Conference on October 20th 2022 in New York City!
Register for #SDSC22 in NYC today!