Introducing our Map Gallery


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Introducing our Map Gallery

Map gallery

One of the things we are most proud of here in CartoDB is the great number of different maps and visualizations people are creating using our technology. CartoDB came to life because we had our own needs in terms on data visualization on maps; project after project we kept iterating and adding new possibilities until today where tens of thousands of different people around the world are using our CartoDB Editor and the CartoDB Platform (our set of APIs) to build amazing visualizations and geo applications.

And this Map Gallery is the celebration of it all and the perfect showcase of what CartoDB is and what you can do with it. For the time being we have selected a few examples of things created with CartoDB; we'll keep adding more things.

If you have created something with CartoDB and want to be featured in our Map Gallery just ping us (stories at and let's talk!

You can browse maps and visualizations by category read about the visualization and visit the live map. Not much more to talk about but lots to see in Map Gallery ;)